PVRC 2005 Contest Seminar DVD set available for purchase!  Click here!

2005 Contest Seminar Speaker Presentations

Microsoft PowerPoint is needed to view most of these presentations.  You can download Powerpoint viewer here.

Right-click on the presentation, then click "save target as" to save the presentation to your computer, or just click it to view it now.

Antennas - W3LPL

Contest DXpeditions - N3OC

Contest Operating - Single Op K3ZO & K4ZA

Contest Operating - Single Op Assisted - N3RR

Contest Operating - Multi/single & Multi/2 - N3OC

Contest Operating - Multi/multi - W3LPL

Contest Records - K3EST

Getting Started - K3EST

Grounding - N3RR

Logging Software Overview - KD4D

N1MM Logger Overview - N4ZR

Propagation - K3ZO

RTTY Contesting - K4GMH

Stacking - WX0B

Station Design & Ergonomics - KT4W

Technology in Contests - N3RR

Terrain Analysis - N3OC

Towers - K4ZA

VHF Contesting - W3ZZ (SK)

VHF Contest Roving - W3IY (SK)



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Last updated 02/09/2013